Game Devs for GamerGate 2: the Truth of Smedium Asses, Game Journalists, and Community Managers

We’ve all heard the controversies about Stellar Blade. Western-DEI Motivated-Privilege White Male Hating-Fun policing-cancel pig Journalists hate the game. Eve is just unrealistic, and promotes unrealistic expectations for women to follow. We’ve heard the song and dance before – this back and forward has been going on since 2012.

Translated from

“I know that in the West, game characters must reflect realistic appearances in many ways and that numerous issues such as gender and racial diversity are intertwined. However, Stellar Blade is only entertainment and a cultural product. I hope you’ll keep an eye on this as a fun action game has just been released.”

Here’s a game developer that is siding with gamers. I just want to make a fun game, with a sexy female protagonist. It looks like he has a hit, which is offensive to everyone who hates privileged-white male- gamers. Kim Hyeong Tae has become the avatar of game developers who just want to create a great game for gamers.

With the nontroversy erupting, everyone is on their treadmills to try to get some clout from it. Take Kahlief and Alyssa Mercante trying to pwn the “Christian Conservative people” by saying Eve from Stellar Blade has a Smedium Ass as the laugh and giggle.

Let’s look at the definition of hypocrisy, shall we.



When you make misogynistic jokes about smedium asses of fictional characters to fight against misogyny.

Many gamers don’t listen to gaming journalists and their allies anymore. It’s a simple fact.

Why do we want to hear about people who hate “privileged-white male-gamers”, who want to purge our “toxicity” out of the hobby?!

These kinds of people pushed Ed Piskor to kill himself, because he made a mistake. They also celebrated it, because that’s just one less “privileged-white-male” who’s gone.

Gaming journalists, in fact media journalist, hate anyone white. Things have changed so much. Once upon a time, a game developer would want to court gaming journalists for as much exposure as possible. But now that comes with strings attached.

But I think that mentality is holding many game devs back. And I have one powerful example of this.

Hogwarts Legacy.

If you even mention this to the privileged-white male-hating journalist and their allies, they will go utterly berserk. They said it was a character test that many would fail. They said it was transphobia. They said if you played the game, you’re a bigot.

And despite all the rage from the journalists and their allies, Hogwarts Legacy was the highest selling game ever. Gamers and fans couldn’t care less what less than 1% of very vocal people were saying. We wanted our letter for Hogwarts.

So, do game developers need to listen to the journalists and their allies?

Stellar Blade’s smedium assed heroine and Hogwarts Legacy proves they have no real power at all. They can REEEEE all they want, but it really is like farting in a windstorm. It’s only as important as you make it. Ignore them.

Game companies can use community managers and social media to connect with fans. This is the way of the future. However, this doesn’t come without its risks either. a good community manager or managers can make or break a game. So where do game developers go from here, to make sure their community manager is someone who likes smedium asses.

I kinda gave you a huge clue.

Despite the success of Hogwarts Legacy, they will always hate the game.

And asking questions about video and tabletop games should be part of any interview for someone working at a gaming company.

What did you think of Hogwarts Legacy?

The true ideologue will go so nuclear, they will make Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima look like minor inconveniences!

One couldn’t believe I used Hogwarts Legacy to show great trans representation – and they eventually blocked me.

It’s the ultimate question to ask, because it is going to trigger the ultimate response.

And they will not be able to completely hide their emotional response – they hate JK Rowling with a passion, and they hate the game.

That ensures you have a community manager who loves games and gamers will interact with your fans, building a great community!

Ultimately, don’t listen to journalists who hate “privileged-white male- gamers” – they are hypocrites – they will laugh at misogynistic jokes about characters. They are meaningless because they can’t stop Stellar Blade or Hogwarts Legacy. And they don’t know what gamers want.

Focus on what gamers want, and you will do perfectly fine.

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions.

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