Isabelle’s Inspirational Initiation in Kindred Heavens

Have you ever just wanted a nice comic, that’s all about a person who has a dream and will do anything to achieve it?

Maybe you need something to keep you to be inspired. A characters wit, skill, and determination to do something incredibly cool!

Well, I have a comic for you!

Kindred Heavens is an amazing SFW comic for anyone, especially children.

Kindred Heavens is all about a world similar to our own. The story is centred on wind racing – where pilots fly against each other in insane races. Only the most skilled, brave and intelligent get behind the seat of a wind racer.

Pegasus was the champions, but now Cerberus is at their tails, nipping away their legacy – hungry for the recognition that Pegasus has. But Isabelle, the forgotten daughter of the owner of Pegasus – and the lead engineer, wants to become it all. The best builder, the repair woman, and the flyer of the most powerful wind racer in the world.

But her father will have nothing of it. I expect this has to do with how Isabelle’s mom died – he will never allow his daughter to be behind the wheel.

But Isabelle has an iron will – if she’s going to do something, she puts her 100% in. Whether it is to be the best flyer, romance her best friend Robin, or taking days to build something impossible so she can be the best there is. Isabelle is a genuine hero, but hero’s lives are not easy.

Cerberus will do anything to win – and Alex Fitch will never take no for an answer!

Kindred Heavens has it all – an interesting world, a cool story that suggests so much, and amazing characters that will inspire you to be your best. I highly recommend checking out their new Kickstarter – only a few days left!

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