Why AAA Games Needs to Die

When I was a kid, I played Atari games - they were created by a single creative - programming a fun game like Adventure, or Pac Man, or Space Invaders. One person would put 6 months of their time into creating something fun. But if you read Once Upon Atari, you’ll realize there was mistakes … Continue reading Why AAA Games Needs to Die

Game Devs for GamerGate 2: the Truth of Smedium Asses, Game Journalists, and Community Managers

We’ve all heard the controversies about Stellar Blade. Western-DEI Motivated-Privilege White Male Hating-Fun policing-cancel pig Journalists hate the game. Eve is just unrealistic, and promotes unrealistic expectations for women to follow. We’ve heard the song and dance before - this back and forward has been going on since 2012. Translated from “I know that in … Continue reading Game Devs for GamerGate 2: the Truth of Smedium Asses, Game Journalists, and Community Managers

Calling all “Purged” Gamers

So Jules Hardy, a personality I didn’t even know existed until today, has called upon her like-minded game developer allies to commit the final purge of gamers. I can’t stop laughing! It’s the final countdown! Step 1 - Consult with game developers to not make games for “privileged-white-male” gamers. Step 2 - get all the … Continue reading Calling all “Purged” Gamers

GamerGate 2: Phase 2

Alyssa Mercante, the defacto editor of Kotaku, is now targeting Melonie Mac, asking for anyone who has “dirt” on her. She’s also asking for snitches on anyone else who rose to “fame” because of “reactionary” views. I’m not a fan of Melonie. I think she’s pretty stupid, to be honest. A woman who eats sticks … Continue reading GamerGate 2: Phase 2