The Human Ray of Sunshine’s Platform

Duck Team Magenta

Team Magenta is ruining everything.

They hate anyone who supports President Thrumpy and will cancel you.

They hate hope and are just a bunch of nihilists who will destroy everything to get their way.

I am the smartest and most talented member of Team Yellow.

I will fight them until we destroy them.

I will create the content that the Mad Lads and ComicsGate can meme their enemies until they cry, and then meme about them crying.

Team Yellow will win, and Team Magenta will suffer.

Comics, Games, Movies and TV Shows our way

Team Magenta can’t create anything new, they can only corrupt.

That is why they have grifted into the Major comic publishers, book publishers, game developers, and Hollywood.

But they reee about us having ComicsGate and Iron Age.

We are creating our own content – something they can’t touch.

Like I said, they can only corrupt.

I will take this attitude to the world as the President of the Internet.

We can win, but it’s not Rick June or Kamen America, it’s ComicsGate and IronAge.

Bring back the Cancelled

The most devastating thing Team Magenta does is absolutely destroy the livelihood of anyone who disagrees with them.

People are fired for voting Thrumpy, like Tim Allen.

This is unacceptable, and – they don’t deserve this kind of moral power.

As the President of the Internet, I will ensure people will not be cancelled like this.

I will ensure Team Magenta doesn’t have a chance to destroy people’s lives.

Everyone should have a platform on Z, ScrewTube, Paymeon and anything that allows them to make a living.

This will lower anxiety off the Internet a huge amount.

Cancel Cancel Culture!

I hope I have your vote on Election day, or we may lose Western culture!

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