And for Something Completely Different

I have to admit, I’ve been seeing too much bullshit lately on X. There’s always some controversy – Hogwartz Legacy, Spider-Man 2, and so many other shit. And then there’s always some kind of controversy surrounding Iron Age, or Comics Gate. Today, I’m going to focus on something positive. Iconic Comics!

Although there is some controversy surrounding it, usually by some loser from Comics Gate – they don’t court it. And that’s refreshing in so many different ways. I found my community on the Internet. A group of people who would rather create great comics than clout chase and cause drama.

It’s almost like they read Webtastic Stories, but they haven’t!

Their brand has stayed focus on creating great comics that all of us fans love talking about our favourites. Here’s mine – Kimiko – the super fan with super powers!

Who can’t love Kimiko, she’s so passionate about helping and being a super hero, even if it gets her in troubles sometimes.
Who can’t love Kimiko, she’s so passionate about helping and being a super hero, even if it gets her in troubles sometimes.

And the cross overs from Black Hops and Soul Finder – Oh MY!

I love reading Soul Finder – ex-military Catholic exorcists!

Yes, they have personal demons, but they’re meaningful characters – facing both personal darkness and the greater darkness of spiritual wickedness in high places!

I think Father Retter would have an amazing conversation with Sam, the Canadian Vigilante about Jesus Christ and the Trinity and Ten No Musuko and the Shaper. I think Sam will have had some dreams about the good Father – I can’t wait to do some quotes.

The Spirit of Truth, which is represented by the upper branch to the left testifies of the events before and after the beginning of time, the Father of all is represented by top branch, and to the right is the Son of the Heavens, Ten No Musuko, and all three come in the centre - the small sapphire to represent the Shaper, connecting with humanity to repair the damage between the heavens and the Earth.
The Spirit of Truth, which is represented by the upper branch to the left testifies of the events before and after the beginning of time, the Father of all is represented by top branch, and to the right is the Son of the Heavens, Ten No Musuko, and all three come in the centre – the small sapphire to represent the Shaper, connecting with humanity to repair the damage between the heavens and the Earth.

And who can’t love the fact that the Kamen Corp, the Soul Finders, and the Black Hops unit are about to have an amazing story in the next comic. Check out the Kickstarter!

But that’s not all – they’re having a three way sale!

Butch, Arc Athena, and Kamen America and Black Hops - all on sale right now - the first time ever!
Butch, Arc Athena, and Kamen America and Black Hops – all on sale right now – the first time ever!

If you ever dreamt of having a three-way, why not support Butch Killigan, a cyberpunk hero. I can’t wait to see where this goes – and I expect to create a character profile for Butch in Tales from Trinity City. Here’s a link to that campaign!

And to complete this awesome once-in-a-lifetime experience, there’s the 4th issue of Arc Athena. The trailer rocked. This book is not on Kickstarter, but straight from the Iconic Comic website.

Despite my jokes about welcoming brokedom, they keep their prices low. Two Omnibuses and a comic are $60, unlike some people who price their comics in Comics Gate.

As I learn marketing and online sales, I can’t think of a better example of how indie’s should go forward. Iconic Comics rocks!

Keep up the great work guys!

I don’t mind being broke, I don’t – lol!

Why Iconic Comics are Killing It!