Arc Athena Shows How to Make a Great Comic

Good morning, thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Production. I got the first four comics for Arc Athena, and I am already falling in love with the story.

What would it be like if Super Hero Squads had the front facing team that is all about the social media presence – they’re there only to make people feel safe. The second team is doing all the heavy lifting. Would some of the people in that front facing team feel irrelevant? Would someone in the behind the scenes team hate it?

That is a great premise for a comic, all while there is an alien apocalypse happening, where super powered people are dying left and right to defend humanity. I love how awesome this comic is, and I have been enjoying each of the four comics. I am looking forward to seeing the fifth instalment.

Can Arc Athena pull it together to save humanity from the aliens?

There is only 2 more comics to find out!

Yet another home run for Iconic Comics!

You can check out the page to order here. I highly recommend this comic.

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