Why the Right Will Win the Culture War!

I have to admit something, the more I see how things go online, there is a big difference between the right and the left’s online behaviour. And this is why conservatives will win out the “culture war”. Even though, I discourage online fighting, sometimes things will just happen.

Recently, I’ve seen the stark difference when right-wingers and left-wingers disagree with you. One is some responses from a post Grummz posted, and the other was from disagreements I had about a new web show that the left hates!

Case 1 – When Grummz posted a really bad take about Dragon Age: Veil Guard’s romance system, I spoke up. He said the fact that anyone could romance any companion was pushing queerness in the world – all because all companions are “pansexual”. in reality, this is a course correction.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, they put in some very stupid limitations to romances, to be quite honest. Some of the most intriguing characters were not romanced at all. And while this may make sense for Solas, it didn’t make sense for any other character. Players were angry!

But to course correct and give anyone the ability to romance any character, the very idea of fan service, is queer, because articles and he says so.

Looks like BioWare learned inclusive also means straight white men!

But when I said this was fan service, the biggest disagreement, and the only disagreement was – this is the opposite of fan service – but not much of an explanation. It was a respectful disagreement.

In conservative circles, you can have those. I say it’s fan service and I will get the game, they will say it’s not and not get the game. There doesn’t have to be any nastiness, anger, or resentful attitudes that allow people to tear each other apart.

That is why conservatives are far more unified under our principles than the left. Ultimately, the left doesn’t have this at all, and they will lose!

Case 2 – A new Web TV show “The New Norm” is coming out. I watched the opening trailer and it looks good. They’re trying to hit you in the feels with All in the Family vibe – there’s Norm – Archie Bunker. There’s his wife Janice – Edith Bunker. And his very progressive daughter – Gloria. And you have Chaz – Michael, or meat head. So it hits right in the nostalgia centres of your heart.

It was half-decently done, better than Mr. Birchum. Not perfect, but better than crap. I want to see where they take it, and hopefully it gets better with every episode. And it’s an indie creative project, something I want to support!

When I posted my support, the leftists come out and attack like a wave of hornets. Insults, anger, and shame is all they can invoke. One person was arrogant enough to say people make fun of conservatives for stuff like this.

But that shows something about their mentality, arrogance. To make fun of someone or a group of people shows an air of superiority, which leads to my definition of arrogance.

Arrogance (n)

When a person or a group of people feel superior to another person or a group of people for some stupid reason.

Guess what, anytime you think you’re superior it is always for a stupid reason!

And with the online world that can surround yourself with other similarly arrogant people, you will find it meaningful. The hate and disdain for the “others” will motivate you to hate the other so much you attack on sight. It is that simple!

Again, alliances born out of hate will always suffer. They often keep people in line through fear – the subtle hint that if you disagree with anything you will be shunned. All while they claim to be doing the right thing for everyone.

Like CS Lewis – I recognize that the greatest tyranny is the one for “our own good”. And that’s what the left has created – conform or be kicked out.

They want to kick anyone who disagrees with them out games, comics, books, and TV/Movies. But those purged customers will find something new – creators who will treat them with respect, create the content they want, and be the healing salve that will bring hope back to them.

This is why, again, the left will lose and the right will win.

So, what do I have to do – I continue to work on Webtastic Stories and Tales from Trinity City, wait for Jesus, and live my life according!

What can you do?

Stay united, resist tearing people apart, and being respectful of the differences of others. Support your indie creatives, we’re the future. Ignore the Left, they hate that!

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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