The Truth of Lore Revisions

Dan is one of those galaxy brained leftists who is such a nihilist, he had to say something about the Warhammer 40k controversy. His lack of empathy, understanding, and straight up common sense is a marvel to behold.

Lore isn’t real, warhammer isn’t real.. none of this shit matters in the grand scene of things. Fucking baby


Oh the migration of the TwitterBrains. This week it’s all about Warhammer 40k, and how Games Workshop has radically change the lore to include Female Custodes. The vultures are en masse, arguing over the game, making Elon Musk tonnes of money, and trying to one up their ideological opponents.

If you play the creative games of children, where you one up your friends by saying you’re the ultimate badass – Godzilla – or even Jedi Godzilla who can defeat all the Sith and the Galaxy because he’s both a Jedi and Godzilla, where even Rey Palpatine/Skywalker would be incinerated instantly by your force nuclear breath, because it has no defense, then lore doesn’t matter, and you can do anything you truly want to StarWars or WarHammer.

In fact, I made that joke.

Then Godzilla ate all the Costodes, and there were none left.

The end.

That’s the tweet!

New Lore Revision for Warhammer 40k


But I don’t play the silly games of children who need to Chuck Norrisify their imaginations to beat out all their friends, or ideological opponents. As you become an adult, you put away childish ways of thinking.

Lore Matters!

There’s certain rules of creativity. One of them is consistency. You stay consistent in your messaging of your characters, of your stories, of your worlds. It is literally one of the best way to kill your story. If no one understands the story you’re trying to tell, you’re not going to sell books, games, or comics.

So, when you massively change the lore of a story, you change the story entirely. You anger you fans, because they’ll wonder why things change. That will lead to less sales. Once it’s written, it shouldn’t change. It’s like removing the Reapers from Mass Effect. The story would be utterly changed in ways that would make it not Mass Effect.

You could say, well Female Custodes are a small change. But it’s been that way for years, the fans are used to it.

Why change it now, and for what reason?

Changing the lore, will change the world building, and changing the world building will change the story entirely. It will only anger your fans to the point they will stop supporting your work, which is not the point to marketing. Never change, always add something new.

If you want to support a game that will never change its lore to appease TwitterBrains, then may I suggest joining my news letter and downloading the Tales from Trinity City materials. Make your super hero fantasies a reality!

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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