Fighting the Good Fight and Building Something New

I’ve been looking at GamerGate 2 again - and I still side with gamers. As a game developer, gamers are the most important stake holder in the gaming space - because gamers are who buy games and pay your wages. You can’t have a gaming industry without gamers liking your games. OH MY! Game developers … Continue reading Fighting the Good Fight and Building Something New

Game Devs for GamerGate 2: the Truth of Smedium Asses, Game Journalists, and Community Managers

We’ve all heard the controversies about Stellar Blade. Western-DEI Motivated-Privilege White Male Hating-Fun policing-cancel pig Journalists hate the game. Eve is just unrealistic, and promotes unrealistic expectations for women to follow. We’ve heard the song and dance before - this back and forward has been going on since 2012. Translated from “I know that in … Continue reading Game Devs for GamerGate 2: the Truth of Smedium Asses, Game Journalists, and Community Managers

Calling all “Purged” Gamers

So Jules Hardy, a personality I didn’t even know existed until today, has called upon her like-minded game developer allies to commit the final purge of gamers. I can’t stop laughing! It’s the final countdown! Step 1 - Consult with game developers to not make games for “privileged-white-male” gamers. Step 2 - get all the … Continue reading Calling all “Purged” Gamers