I’m a Hypocrite!

Hi everyone.

I am a hypocrite!

I write satire blogs, mocking how people take politics on the Internet too seriously, and essay blogs telling people, don’t take the Internet so seriously it can destroy your life by finding purpose through Internet drama. So, it may come as a surprise what I am about to say. I support GamerGate 2.0!

The details surrounding what’s happening is what I oppose!

There’s Sweet Baby Inc, walking around like mobsters demanding for protection money.

“Hey game developer, if you don’t want lots of controversy about sexism, racism, and other phobias – hire us on, capisce!”

So, people start documenting things that SBI has been working on – like Sweet Baby Inc Detected discord channel. Everyone there have discussions on what’s going on in the gaming industry. I should enter in and start reading threads, good market research.

But others infiltrate to destroy it.

Let’s infiltrate, report, and silence all opposition!

And like clockwork, Kotaku has come in for the rescue of SBI – and Alyssa Mercante is trying to destroy the discord channel, and even claims that you can’t be racist to white people. Yes, we have a complete TwitterBrain who can’t stand someone disagrees with her.

Yes, this is definitely sane!

So, Mark Kern, Grummz has started to talk about things. He’s laying down exactly what’s about to happen.

What Mark has said, and now he’s getting shade from Alyssa!

This is where two desires collide.

I don’t want to involve myself in Internet movements. They’re like chasing after big shout outs from Normal Osborne. I’m with Peter Parker, I’ll do it myself. So, I’ll take the hypocrite insult for joining in.

But this is not just about an Internet movement. These are normal people standing against big corporations doing nasty crap. If I don’t stand with them, then my commitment to indie books, comics and games is just words. I must stand against Kotaku and Sweat Baby Inc.

This is why I am entering the fray!

These protection rackets – where people tell gaming developers, writers and comic book creators, don’t do this, it’s sexist, racist, and phobic – can’t stand. If Kotaku, a mouth piece for billion dollar gaming companies, tells you are wrong, it is up to independents to say – Duck Off!

Fighting for a new independent Internet, free of political bassholes who try to make everything political. I want developers free to create anything they want, without someone trying to blackmail them to be “moral people”. You are not a good person if you are engaged in this kind of political blackmail!

People who are the mouth pieces of billion dollar companies do not impress me. And it’s hilarious, these mouth pieces of the corporations think they are some communist revolutionary. Lord Landru can convince you of anything!

So, to all the meme warriors fighting GamerGate 2.0, you have my blog!

Let us unite and fight!

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