The Truth of Illusionary Walls

One of the coolest things in Dungeons and Dragons is illusionary walls. To the uninitiated, they could be going through a dungeon, see the wall and turn around. But in reality, there could be a treasure trove of gold, jewels, and magic items – if you only realized the wall was an illusion, you’d be rich.

It’s a nice metaphor. Including one for living a life you want to live.

Some people say, I have kids, I don’t have enough time to write a book.

Some people say, I don’t have enough money or time to start a business.

Some people say, I wish I was more popular on social media, so I can do something amazing with my life – I have so many ideas, I know I could make it.

I guess you’ll die before you take action!

Each of these excuses are just that, excuses. And each of these excuses are just like Illusionary walls. There is treasure if they just walked through the wall, but they do nothing – they just see a wall and turn away.

Once you get past that illusionary wall you fill find some kind of reward for it. But eventually, you’ll get to the next one – I’m putting so much work into this, but I’m not getting the rewards that I want. Again, another illusionary wall.

So, all your life, you have just passed by all the illusionary walls. It’s important to recognize that all excuses are just illusions.

Let me lay down reality.

Last week, I told my work I may need to take time off, because my Fiancée’s aunt was not doing well and was expected to die. After she died, the illusion that my Fiancée would be devastated disappeared – as she was ready for it. I didn’t lose a day of work, because I went through the illusionary wall for more pay.

A nice woman who wanted to celebrate something major with her son kept me on the phone for an extra hour, but I still was able to read 40+ pages of the Mighty Sons of Hercules, and I made some extra money too!

And at the beginning of this year, my dog Calvin Klein passed away, but I still wrote an amazing blog series for Webtastic Stories: The President of the Internet Election Parody, finished editing the Fighting Factions Source Book, and finished writing the first draft of the Rise of the Shadow Walker.

My reality has been harsh. But I went through those illusionary walls, that voice that says you can’t go forward because you’re in pain. You don’t have enough time to read tonight. You can’t possibly write after a fight. Those are illusionary walls. You can walk through them and get started.

So whatever illusionary wall, that little whispering voice, is preventing you from taking action – stop listening to it and get started.

Start the business, write a book, create those ideas.

The only thing that stops you are illusionary walls, those damn excuses. Take action so you can reward yourself with all the things you use as an excuse.

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions.

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