How I Deal With Online Critics

Last week, I responded to two posts that got all the online critics panties in a bunch.

The first was saying Zou wasn’t a game I would be interested in playing, but they can definitely create a story about an African Warrior if the developers wanted to. I am completely neutral, except I want to see small independent developers, comic book creators, and writers succeed in online marketing.

Also, there was someone who posted up how much they hate Velma. I responded saying there were alternatives to raising your blood pressure on Diversity Equity and Inclusion crap created by the mainstream – suggesting the latest release from Kamen America, and Bowen Greenwood’s Exile series would be a great fit.

In both instances, the terminally online critics came out en masse to “Educate” me. According to them, without evidence, I was racist, offered up “coal”, and was “dumb”.

So, how do I deal with them?

First, I understand they are no different than angry alcoholics. They are addicted to the dopamine hit you get when you press post. They live to continue the fight, because fighting gives them some kind of sick meaning to their lives. They see anyone who thinks outside their clique as a threat, and therefore dealing with me is meaningful to them.

How dare this rando on the Internet think differently than me!

This is why they will be fighting all day long, and be arguing about things in a nursing home!

Two, they are not even telling the truth. According to many of them, I must hate anyone who isn’t white, male, and heterosexual. They want to fight me because I am the devil incarnate that needs to be reeducated into society.

Their world view is so controlled by Lord Landru, I’d swear that they will be using ChatGPT by the end of the week. They already let computers tell them how to think, feel and what to do. They might as well take the last step and got all in on AI!

Third, It’s only the Internet. It isn’t like they can do anything truly destructive to my life. I am still safe and secure at home, sitting beside my fiancée and our pup Peter Parker. They have absolutely no power over my life.

Ultimately, you don’t want to let the online critics get in the way of your life. They are definitely not worth letting live in rent free in your head.

Just see them for what they are – dopamine addicts who find fighting meaningful, who can’t see reality well enough to tell the truth, all because they’d rather listen to Lord Landru.

Just focus on creating the best life you can, and ignore them.

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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