Magic and Gunslinging

Jeff Schiller has an incredible imagination. His mixing of different genres feels cool and unique. The Elf Without A Name is the Good, The Bad, and the Ugly in a Fantasy Realm with a magic using gun slinger who gets things done! In the same world as Magic Powder, but at a different time period … Continue reading Magic and Gunslinging

Why the Right Will Win the Culture War!

I have to admit something, the more I see how things go online, there is a big difference between the right and the left’s online behaviour. And this is why conservatives will win out the “culture war”. Even though, I discourage online fighting, sometimes things will just happen. Recently, I’ve seen the stark difference when … Continue reading Why the Right Will Win the Culture War!

What is Happening

It seems like the tides have turned. Thanks to my accurate reporting on Kris Laser Pistol, people are questioning the election. But it has some unintended consequences. I fear that people questioning Kris has lead to a weakening of his support. His last town hall had him on the ropes, defending everything. Nobody believes he … Continue reading What is Happening

Fighting the Good Fight and Building Something New

I’ve been looking at GamerGate 2 again - and I still side with gamers. As a game developer, gamers are the most important stake holder in the gaming space - because gamers are who buy games and pay your wages. You can’t have a gaming industry without gamers liking your games. OH MY! Game developers … Continue reading Fighting the Good Fight and Building Something New

The Entitlement of Big Entertainment

Have you read the headlines. If you don’t like the Acolyte, you hate women. Kathleen Kennedy is all over the place saying this. And if you don’t like the characters in the new Silent Hill remake, you must be a misogynist. And if you hate StarWars Outlaws, you’re a racist and sexist. It’s humorous, but … Continue reading The Entitlement of Big Entertainment

Why Indies will Take Over!

If you didn’t realize I am a big fan of the Vigilante’s Creed series with two reviews, and Dreadnight being one of my favourite superhero characters, then now you know. Who can’t get exuberant about a man tied to an ancient promise, given extraordinary powers, and changes into a Gargoyle every night to fight injustice! … Continue reading Why Indies will Take Over!

The Truth of Indie Publishing

Hello, I am Mark, your friendly neighbourhood conservative marxist. Yes, you read that right. Conservative marxist. I want you to think about that. Isn’t conservatism and marxism opposites? Many Internet champagne socialists who drink champagne and eat caviar, you’d absolutely believe this. But if you’re reading my Webtastic Stories - Magenta vs Yellow President of … Continue reading The Truth of Indie Publishing

Divine Justice with Dreadnight – a Review of Blood and Stone – Vigilante’s Creed

When I saw all the work that B.A. Turner was doing for Vigilante’s Creed, I was interested in checking everything out. The art looks good. The character cards were also interesting. I wanted to see what this new book series was all about. The characters are cool, like I thought. Slade is a guy down … Continue reading Divine Justice with Dreadnight – a Review of Blood and Stone – Vigilante’s Creed