Wandering There and Back Again

You can’t say you love fantasy without saying you love Tolkien. I know many say Howard and Conan, and there’s a place for Conan, but the modern idea of a group of adventures who seek out a Dragon to recover the treasure it has stolen can be traced back to Tolkien. I decided to reread … Continue reading Wandering There and Back Again

If You Haven’t Read Mercy Rising, You Should

Bowen Greenwood is a great author. After reading the Sherman Iron mysteries, I got the Exile Wars novels. Mercy Rising continues the story, with Mercy Hail, the adopted daughter of Uriel Hail and the biological daughter of Cleo Sable and Langston Wheeler. She’s on Summerwell and is working with the resistance. Unbeknownst to her, her … Continue reading If You Haven’t Read Mercy Rising, You Should

Twisting Plots in Legion of Traitors

I am glad I meet Bowen Greenwood. Everything he writes always inspires me. Now that I am reading the Exile Wars series, I can’t stop praising it enough. Onto the next Exile Wars story. It starts off with Langston and Tia arriving at Earth and warning every one of the incoming invasion. They were told, … Continue reading Twisting Plots in Legion of Traitors

A Book as Rare and Precious as Exotic Matter!

So, I finally started to read the Exile Wars series by Bowen Greenwood. If you remember, he also wrote the Sherman Iron’s mysteries - books I truly loved. Bowen shows, you can be brilliantly talented in more than one genre. This is my new favourite sci-fi series, starting with book 1. It follows Langston Wheeler, … Continue reading A Book as Rare and Precious as Exotic Matter!