The Making of Lightning Lass (a Kamen America Clone)

Karla Sanders was just 2 years old when the city was hit the Serpentine Empire. Her family were Kaldis who worked at the Centropolis University, talented engineers working on projects that would make the city self-sustainable. Most of their work was on the first Vertical farm – that could feed over 100,000 people. They worked with many nature controllers who helped them.

Karla would hear about the Unknown Gifted, because there was a Serpentine Bomber that was narrowing into the farm while her parents were working there. The Unknown Gifted blasted the ship out of the air, saving the people in the tower and the tower itself.

Her life seemed like any other ordinary Kaldi. But at 13 years old, Zigmon, a boy who was interested in her, kissed her. Karla liked him too – they were made for each other. And as he kissed her, sparks flew – no literally. She started to hover in the air, and lightning sparked between them. Zigmon looked at her and ran, as electricity flowed around Karla.

And while she is bright, she’s just not as interested in the engineering life her parents have taken.

That is when Karla started to research everything she could about the Unknown Gifted and the miracle she was responsible for. And as she researched, Zigmon started to come back around. Karla trained in fighting as much as she could, knowing that she is just as capable of defending the city as the Unknown Gifted was.

On her 18th Birthday, she did her best to help the city out with her abilities and was invited to the Alliance by Strong Man himself, taking the name of Lightning Lass.

Karla is a Gifted Character.

Karla is a powerful warrior, who fights to keep Trinity City safe!

Specialization and Expertise

Lightning Lass is an Elementalist specialization, and to maximize her lightning powers, she has levels in Annihilator Expertise.

She can surround herself around electrical energy that strikes at anyone who comes within 1 square for half electrical damage. Since she loves using her power-linked sword, this happens a great deal.

She can focus her electricity in a short range attack that does a huge amount of damage.

Finally, she can do an outburst of electricity that can can almost take out anything she faces.

Powers and Skills

As a Gifted, she has 15 Power Points at level 12 – the most natural power points a character can have.

Karla has Level 6 Electricity Powers.

She also has Flying at Level 5 – meaning she can fly at speed 25.

Also has Super Will at Level 4 – meaning she has 20 Will.

With her Will, her elemental powers and damage have 400% base damage bonus.

For skills – Gifted only have 13 skills points – and 6 points went into annihilation. She has 4 points into Swordsmanship, and 3 points in martial stances.


Karla has a special sword that was created by the Alliance – a power-linked indestructium sword that allows double electrical power along with double physical, with +25 damage penetration.

Her outfit is also specially created by Chiyo, a power-linked armour that feeds off her electricity to create +15 physical/force/energy damage resistance, and aids her flying as well – improving her speed to 30.

Karla has trained to fight the Serpents and can’t wait to see she she can do the enemy just outside the city!

In the Up, Up and Away campaign, the fifth campaign, you may be able to meet Lightning Lass as you join the Alliance.

To find out more about Tales from Trinity City, you can join my mailing list. I will continue to supply the beta lore book, rulebook, Marvels of the City, and the beta character sheet.

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