Why Stephen Zimmer rocks Adventure Stories

In 2020, I meet Stephen Zimmer on Parler. We’re around the same age, so we have very similar views on the world, born of maturity and experience. When he asked for someone to read two of his novellas in a blog review blitz, I was more than happy to do it.

It was a Rayden Valkyrie and Ragnar Stormbringer novellas and I was entranced. The world he spun reminded me of Conan. If you’re looking for someone who is the “real Iron Age”, you need to read Stephen’s books.

Since then, I’ve got each one of the books, including his new character Hongvi Shadow Walker. They are excellent one shot adventures, you could literally take them and create D&D modules with each.

These warriors live in a low-magic world – living by their wits, fighting against demonic forces of the underworld. Each one has unique strengths, and I wonder, will there ever be a crossover event, where all of them meet to fight a larger threat.

Hongvi did see giants in his first story…

Stephen has been bringing out his stories as physical copies recently – and while my addiction to all things Iconic Comics has left me broke, I do recommend these stories – they are amazing.

Here’s Stephen’s Amazon page – go nuts, the books are worth it!

Have a most excellent day, reading stories of high adventure!

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