Coming Attractions for AGP!

Thanks for rolling with AGP, gamers!

If you didn’t know, I’ve been focused on taking as many online courses on Saturday, because I’ll take just 4 or 5 calls. That would be a boring shift, except I have access to some amazing online courses.

Currently, I am going through one on online and social media marketing. I’ve heard them talk about Search Engine Optimization and tailoring your marketing message to your audience enough that I need to seriously re-think the content of my website and YouTube channel.

After I get the trailer for Tales from Trinity City done, and it will amaze you, I’m going to go through an audit of my website. I’m going 5S everything!

Time to sort out the rubbish, set everything in order, make it shine, set some standards and sustain a amazing website.

A website that will have a message of how amazing Tales from Trinity City and Webtastic Stories: Fear and Loathing on the Internet are!

A website that will encourage you to break the chains of the “Rich Men North of Richmond”. We can use all the opportunities on the Internet to create a new creative community, separate from Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, and other gaming companies and publishers.

A website that will be your home away from home.

We’re all essentially “homeless”, because the powers that be in the publishing and gaming communities have abandoned us, including influencers. They’re all in it for themselves, and keep using divisive tactics to divide us to make lots of money!

First, I will decide on my marketing message. I will reinforce it in my mind. I will live it, I will breathe it, I will become it!

Second, I will do an audit of my website. I will sort out everything that isn’t my message and chuck it in the trash. I will set everything in order. I will make it shine. I will create a standard for my website, and sustain the excellence I create.

Same thing with my YouTube channel and my X feed.

I’m going to take most of this month and probably part of the next for this audit. After that, expect amazing things!


Mark from AGP

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