I was once blind, but now I see!

Hi, I am Beatrix Fan, or Janice if you like. I wanted to tell you all that I had the opportunity of reading Webtastic Stories: Fear and Loathing on the Internet. It was such a turbulent time in my life, but everything is fine now.

I used to be a wreck. I ran away from home and I got addicted to drugs, hooking up with that sicko ex-boyfriend of mine. All the things you may have heard about me are true.

When Max was exposed, Initially I blamed myself for everything, and all the events in the story did happen happened to me. I’m amazed that I survived it all. As my dad said, it was a miracle.

I can’t recommend this book enough. The book is filled with so m much truth, you will never see the Internet the same way again. And as the good book says, the truth will set you free. 

I realized never to argue, because whoever wins an argument on the Internet!

The author even promises to give $1.50 from each paperback sale to charity, talk about amazing!

I give it a 5-star rating.

Buy Webtastic Stories from Amazon. $1.50 of each paperback copy goes to charity.

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