Fighting the Good Fight and Building Something New

I’ve been looking at GamerGate 2 again – and I still side with gamers. As a game developer, gamers are the most important stake holder in the gaming space – because gamers are who buy games and pay your wages. You can’t have a gaming industry without gamers liking your games. OH MY!

Game developers who don’t sell well, who then blame gamers for being whatever ism they want to shout will find gamers will not put up with that. It’s simple logic.

That’s why I am siding with gamers in their fight to be treated with respect by the game developers. That’s why I will keep my tabletop game reasonably priced – with free digital materials, and low priced physical materials. I won’t use AI to take jobs away from human beings. And I will never use divisive tactics to anger fans.

But gamers have been fighting game developers online for so long, some are completely cynical.

Social Media addiction can make anyone irrational, you have to be very careful with it.

Take the new Dragon Age: Veil Guard.

BioWare allows any person to create any character they want and romance any character they want. There is no restrictions, like they had in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Now everyone can enjoy whatever story they want to play out.

This sounds like fan service to me.

But to some, this is queering everything and the opposite of Fan Service.

Wow, a game with dramatically improved model for the same character – but hey, the game is already crap!

If you’ve been fighting for years, you’re likely addicted to social media. A recent experience has reminded me that it does change your brain chemistry. The more social media you use, the more it affects your moods and behaviour, and reducing affects them as well.

So, I realize why the Lobster acts this way, it’s definitely addicted to the dopamine hit you get from arguing online. There’s nothing else to it. They fight because it feels good.

But in the 10+ years of people fighting, nothing has really changed. Well, here’s your chance to do something different. Instead of fighting randos on the Internet, and being irrationally angry over things you can’t change, you can help build new indie projects. You will start realizing you will never run out of entertainment, and you will help you save your mental health too.

Be like Indie David, support the people who are fighting by building something new!

There’s indie game devs, comic book creators, and writers looking to entertain you. We want your eyes on our content, and we’re listening to you. We will create the content we hope will replace the mainstream slop you hate. We hate it too, btw!

Don’t fight to try to save a dying dinosaur, take the fight directly to them by voting with your wallet. Indies will replace the mainstream eventually, and you can help us achieve this victory.

This is how you win, by building something new with creatives who agree with you!

Thank you for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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