How I write tragic characters!

We now venture into the realm of negative character arcs. Characters with flaws, in a flawed world, can become black holes that destroy the light of everyone around them. These tell the message of your story by showing the opposite - they are dire warnings. With a negative character arc, not only do you have … Continue reading How I write tragic characters!

How I plan and write a positive character arc!

I briefly described what a positive character arc was yesterday, but today I want to get a bit more in depth in it today. It’s going to be much longer than just two paragraphs. Let’s go! For this blog, I use Red Dead Redemption 2 to show how a good positive character arc works. First, … Continue reading How I plan and write a positive character arc!

Writing Basics – Themes, Character Arcs, and Story Arcs

All good writing needs three things - Good themes, good character arcs, and good story arcs. And for each story, the theme is key - leading to the character arcs and story arcs. Themes are the message of your story. Every great story needs them. But the key to this is to ensure we show … Continue reading Writing Basics – Themes, Character Arcs, and Story Arcs

Writing for Game Design, Comics, and Novels Table of Contents

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you live on Earth. I am Mark, the author of Webtastic Stories: Fear and Loathing on the Internet and the game designer for Tales from Trinity City. Welcome to my writing series - focusing on how to write a fantastic story for your game, comic or novel! Introduction and … Continue reading Writing for Game Design, Comics, and Novels Table of Contents