Magic and Gunslinging

Jeff Schiller has an incredible imagination. His mixing of different genres feels cool and unique. The Elf Without A Name is the Good, The Bad, and the Ugly in a Fantasy Realm with a magic using gun slinger who gets things done!

In the same world as Magic Powder, but at a different time period I expect. But you have the same Magic Powder that everyone wants in on, you have magic, you have outlaws with guns of a variety of races.

In The Elf Without A Name, you have a dark elf who is defying his council to save the faeries before the Dragons annihilate them. He teleports to Zodiac, and first he deals with some thugs that tired to kill him in the first book.

But now he’s helping the townsfolk with his magic, and dealing with miscreants – to get local help to find and save the Faeries.

The Main Character looks like a solid paragon – looking to do his absolute best to save the faeries when his council would rather the Dragons cause their extinction.

I definitely recommend this comic, and you can check it out on the author’s Website!

Thank you for Rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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