The Most Hated Trailer on the Internet

Have you seen it?

Yesterday, BioWare released the official trailer for Dragon Age: Veil Guard. And the Internet has declared its verdict – It’s a pile of bull dirt. It’s like a Disney Cartoon, not a dark fantasy. Some people say it’s just like a Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Here’s the official trailer –

Yes, that is what the phone-addicted simpletons are saying. Yes, the “critical thinkers” are out to say it is the worst thing ever, because the algorithm and their community has made their decision without a second thought. They were all speechless and stomping around like elephants at how shocked they were at this Disney-esque trailer.

Which is why I am pre-ordering it as soon as I can!

Good advice!

Seriously, the phone-addicted simpletons think their opinion is important enough, but this is no different than when people tried to boycott Hogwarts Legacy. When phone-addicted simpletons decide they talk for the majority, the majority talks back.

It’s like I need to tell everyone, read my book – it’s free even – you don’t have to spend a penny. I have a hypothesis, when you fight on the Internet for years – soaking up dopamine while living in a perpetual fight or flight response for years on end, it turns your brain into something in between pudding and acid. You’re no different than a raging alcoholic or a cocaine addict looking for their next hit.

And since many people have a financial motive to say everything sucks, which I also discuss in my book you can read it free here, they will say anything is bad. Even when something is good. I hope this doesn’t offend you, phone-addicted simpleton.

Many people bemoan that YouTube got rid of seeing downvotes. I see it as the ability to make an individual assessment, since if you can see 150k+ downvotes, that will influence your perception of a product. It’s called the Zero point of sale. But if I can just watch something without any bias, I’ll have an honest reaction.

Seeing Varrick and Harding in the Inquisition Hall, and seeing the new characters – I started to feel like BioWare has been listening to their community. I started to get the tingles from watching the Trailer, and I can’t wait to see what is coming!

And yes, it helps to determine if something is bad too. I will not be buying StarWars: Outlaws because I didn’t feel much from it. It seemed boring, to be honest. You don’t need the mob to tell you if something is good or bad. In fact, you should never listen to the mob when they tell you it is good or bad – like I wrote in my book!

More importantly, everyone is jumping to conclusions without all the information. Nobody knows if this is a standalone game and what it’s for. But hey, the phone-addicted will do anything for fame, clout and money – like I wrote about in that fancy book I wrote.

We’ll know more when the gameplay footage trailer comes out.

So, everyone just cool your tits, don’t get your panties in a bunch, and don’t spread your anger before you know all the facts. You’re supposed to be “critical drinkers/thinkers”. Critical Thinkers are independent thinkers – they don’t allow mobs to tell them what to think!

The moment you allow mob thinking to decide what you need to do, you will name your boat Boaty McBoatface, set Kenosha on fire to fight white supremacy, and honk your horns at the Canadian Parliament to force Prime Minister Trudy to resign!

Not a smart way to live, to be honest!

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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