Rolling With Pulp Rock

Years ago, I supported Pulp Rock. But like what always kind of happens, I never got to it, until now.

The weekly reviews pushes me to keep reading, which is a great thing.

I enjoyed Pulp Rock, it has some solid stories where music is the main theme. Everything from an Orc with a Faustian Bargain, to a Intergalactic spy story featuring musicians, and some creepy story of siren songs that get you killed, or a minstrel who saves his neck because he honoured a powerful spirit with song!

Each world, each story, and each author made the stories feel like a whole world. My favourite was the Once and Future Kings by David Stewart. It was a solid story where everyone was basically a spy agent for different governments, spying on each other while they are on a musical tour!

But A Song for Melienope was also excellent. You could tell something was really up with the entire story, and when the story had ended the way it did, your breath a sigh of relief.

The final story, Kentucky Mothers was also really warped, but there so was the first story Altered Egos.

You need to get this short story collection, it was excellent. You can get it on Amazon here.

Thank you for Rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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