The Rise of the Shadow Walker is Available

Like I said, I would have a version of the Rise of the Shadow Walker for anyone who wanted to beta read it. This link is going to be available for a month. My newsletter will also link this beta version of the book this month.

Read it, tell me what you think. If you have anything you want to see or there’s things you hate about it, feel free to tell me. I’ll be going through a few more edits, including edits on beta feedback.

I hope this introduction will whet your appetite for what’s happening in Trinity City!

Blurb –

Zuo Is Not His Father’s Son

Zuo grew up hating his father and his mother. Their constant questioning of Zuo’s commitment to Shaynes’ teachings and plan, Zuo only wanted one thing – revenge!

When Zuo unlocks his talents as an Astral Warrior, his father sees a path to glory. But Zuo has different plans!

The Rise of the Shadow Walker is a Tales from Trinity City stand alone story, looking at the origin of the Shadow Walker.

The events of the Tales from Trinity City takes place 19 years after the Unknown Gifted saved the city from the Serpentine Empire. But the city is at a crossroads. With threats abounding and violence on the street, can you unravel the deep mysteries causing the unrest, or will a third riot doom the city, allowing the Serpentine Empire to sack the city!

You can download the file right here!

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