Bye Calvin Klein

On March 16th, 2018, a little miracle entered our lives. His name was Calvin Klein. He was already 7 years old, and his breeders wanted him to have a forever home. And we provided it for almost six years.

The story would happen a few months before we got him. My fiancée prayed to God, please give me something that will help me with my mental illness. Moments later, there was a call – and her mom said we would be proud pet parents. God knows what we need.

Every morning, at 7am, I would wake up to go to work, first giving him his heart murmur medicine, and later with a diuretic and blood pressure medicine as well. Then I would get his leash on, and we would go out and bond. That was until Sunday January 7th, 2024 at around 7:15 AM.

He hated the cold, so the snow finally got to him – he collapsed. We did our best to bring him back once I got him back into the apartment, but he was gone. It hurts!

But today, I want to share the wonder of our little pup – Calvin was such an amazing pup. He would allow you to do anything with him. Wrap his blanket around his head and call him Calvin Wan Kenobi, you betcha. Put him on an Xbox box, it would be his privilege. Give him a tie and have him wear it for days, no problem.

He was such a curious little pup too. Always sniffing around outside, exploring. The spring and fall were his favourite times of the year, because he could go outside and explore – because it was not too hot or cold.

And his love for my cooking was legendary. I’d cook a spaghetti, and he’d be right beside me, smelling all the goodness from the meat and onions. And of course he loved treats, and his favourite story was – Once upon a time, Mommy and Daddy ordered Pizza for Supper as a Treat.

He found a way into our hearts, and while we miss him a huge amount, I am reminded that God never wanted death. Death is a thief and murderer. Everything we love and loves us will be stolen by Death. But God has a plan.

He sent his son to conquer death. One day, Jesus will say, enough’s enough, and everything that was stolen out of the world by death will be returned. The whole creation groans for that day, the day that death has no more power and will be swallowed up by life.

There is sufferings, but they will pale in comparison to what God has in store!

We look forward to that in earnest. The day we get to see Calvin again, and all the loved ones that have been taken from us – from my mom to my grand parents, and my fiancée’s grand parents.

So, I will say this one last time, good bye Calvin Klein, I miss you. I will see you soon, I don’t know when, but I know it’s soon!

The world is a cruel place, but if you remember the precious promises of God, it can help. It can help you fight against the darkness. Unbeknownst to us, my fiancée’s mom had a business card for a breeder from months back and today we got to see the pup mamma for our next pup – a pup that we will name Peter Parker, the spider pup who can spin a web any size, and catch hearts just like flies.

God knows what we will need before we do.

Stay in there, there is always hope. God loves you, and so do we!