Overthrown Plots and New Love in a Gift of Wind

Skye and Karl had a rocky beginning years ago. And they went on very different ways, but as they try to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives by going back to their home town, a whirlwind of romance and intrigue happens.

Not only do these two love birds build good lives, but they continue to go down the underlining story for the Elemental Bloodlines, an asylum for mentally ill Teuton Witches and men. Stuck in a prison “for their own and society’s good”. But the Asylum makes Twitter look well meaning…

With all kinds of evil rites being practiced there, much of the story was tearing the asylum down, saving the people locked in there, some who have been there for 30+ years, and bringing the malefactors to justice.

When Skye risks everything to help someone get out, shit hits the fan. Her love Karl, and all her allies do their best to ensure Skye and everyone gets out. You can’t put down the book down for the last part!

While this story ends the tale about the Asylum, there is still one more book that takes place prior to the events for the Elemental Bloodlines. I can’t wait to see what this has in store.

This story was so exciting, and CL knows exactly how to pull your heart strings – both in the tender moments, and the heart pumping action. She’s definitely improved. I still recommend her original series.

I recommend buying the book.

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