Tales from Trinity City Update 12/05/2023

Hey Table Top Rollers!

It’s Mark from Amazing Gaming Productions.

Last week, I finally finished Welcome to the Projects Daring Tale for Tales from Trinity City(TfTC). Yes, it took over four years, but I have the first playable content for the TfTC universe. I can’t say how overwhelmed I feel!

It’s funny, while I have this finished, I took an entire marketing course on testing and iterations. I hope God is shinning on me. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. I only needed a good week off to focus on this important task to finish up the Daring Tale during National Novel Writing Month.

For this month, I’m only focusing on one thing, working on some more marketing materials.

I’m so excited to see what testers will create – which superhero you’re going to create. Is he like Batman – a big influence on how I write my stories, since I want mystery and sleuthing as a big part of the story? Or will you go with Superman, the most inspirational comic book character in the world? Maybe she’s like Wonder Woman, or Miss Marvel, or Captain Marvel?

Maybe you create a Telekinetic Warrior, bounding leaps and bounds with your telekinetic powers, causing massive destruction on the battlefield!

Or can you touch a computer and make it do what you want with just pure thoughts?

The possibilities are endless, and I can’t wait to test the first three Daring Tales. I should have them done by March, 2024 – and then the test will commence.

If you’re interested, feel free to join my mailing list. You can download the Rulebook, lore book, and the Marvels from the City and the first version of the character sheet!

Have a great day, guys!

And thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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