Tales from Trinity City Tuesday – 11/14/2023

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions. Every day you come to check out Tales from Trinity City materials makes me happy!

I’m doing this for the fans. Every person who sees the flop of “The Marvels” for what it is, Hollywood can’t create anything new, it only exploits us and makes crap and expects our money.

Enough talking about dying dinosaurs, sinking into a tar pit, desperately trying to stay relevant.

So, what happened this week for Tales from Trinity City?

I finished up all the maps for the first three Daring Tales – and you can check them in the gallery below.

I’ve also started the developmental editing process. The rough draft of the first Tales from Trinity City was just a bunch of jumbled garbage. If any book is your “book baby”, then your first draft is you spewing the words out on the page and hoping it there are some nuggets of goodness to work with!

I think I worked on the first three daring tales in early or mid-2021…

I can see how I’ve grown as a writer – I look at this and see so much I need to edit, expand and create. But that’s what a developmental draft is all about – you take the spewed words and start shaping them into something you can be proud of – not a miscarriage of an amateur writer who uploads their first draft to Amazon!

My goodness, this is utter crap.

But I’m comforted by the fact the first draft of anything is crap!

Time to completely revamp everything.
My goodness, this is utter crap.
But I’m comforted by the fact the first draft of anything is crap!
Time to completely revamp everything.

For the rest of the month, I think I will be doing a highly detailed plan on how to make things much better for the first Daring Tale – Welcome to the Projects!

I can’t wait to share this.

Here’s your chance to make your superhero fantasies a reality!

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