Butterflies, Hurricanes and Planes, Oh My, exploring the Otherworld!

Of all the booktubers, if you can call Abbie Emmons a booktuber, Abbie has become my favourite. In fact, I only follow her. Her content is refreshing. She doesn’t do excessive amounts of top 10 things to do, or not to do, giving bite sized advice on storytelling – if you call sound bites advice…

Abbie likes to get deep, talking about the one mistake new writers make – and that’s worrying too much. Or goes into the science of storytelling, and takes a swipe at Marvel’s new movies pushing fake empowerment, and they are just action filled trash that doesn’t have a strong themes anymore.

Her channel is such a breath of fresh air, and it’s growing unlike other BookTuber channels. Currently, she has 378k subscribers. She’s at least 100k over other BookTuber channels. And it’s because she just focuses on story.

Here’s my obligatory, you should subscribe to her channel!

The Otherworld is the first book of Abbie’s I’ve read. And she’s masterful at keeping you wondering what’s happening next. The character arcs and themes are powerful. She’s the real deal, as far as I can tell!@

Spoiler Alert: I will be going into the characters and story Abbie created, so if you are interested in buying her book, and I recommend that you do, then stop reading.

This is your last chance, go back if you intend to get the book!

Once upon a time,

Orca grew up with her father Lawrence. Her father told Orca her mother passed away and he’s the only person she has in the world. And you shouldn’t leave the island and lighthouse we live in, the outside world is a place of pain and dark people.

When Orca turns 18, she wants to visit the outside world, which she calls the otherworld – since she’s only know the world of the island and lighthouse. Even though her dad is about to go to the outside world to deal with the government, he tells Orca she needs to stay behind to take care of the lighthouse.

Orca stays, and a storm comes in.

And she sees a backpack washed ashore. And she sees a cell phone for the first time, a flip phone. Then a call comes from “Superman” Jack Stevenson. The phone is his brothers, and he and his family are desperate for news because his brother Adam has been presumed dead in a plane crash.

Orca wants to find Adam to prove she can handle the otherworld to her father.

Over the course of the story, Orca looks for Adam, but can’t find him, but reads his journal. Adam finds the lighthouse. Orca nurses him back to health. Both Adam and Orca fall in love. Orca’s dad comes back. Orca’s dad gives Adam the riot act, don’t get involved with my daughter. Jack comes to pick up Adam, but sees Orca as a beautiful woman. Jack brings Adam back home – and Adam wants to let Orca go, but can’t. Jack brings Orca to the “Otherworld”. Adam helps Orca discover her family on the mainland, while Jack shows her a good time. Adam and Jack fight over Orca. Orca goes home to make things up to her dad. Orca’s dad has a heart attack. Adam and Jack work out their differences and go to save Orca’s dad. And Adam promises Lawerence he will help with the Island for 1 year to win Orca’s hand in marriage.

The theme of family comes first is so strong. Orca’s mom didn’t stay with her husband to chase after a career. And to paraphrase Orca, can a career say I love you, or bake you a cake on your birthday?

Family really does come first!

And the theme we are all little butterflies who create the hurricane of the world comes right through, because most of the conflict in the story really did start by her mother’s selfish ambition. Leading to Orca’s isolation because her Dad didn’t trust the outside world.

While Jack and Adam may have had their antagonistic relationship because of Orca, but eventually their love for each other comes right through. They are brothers until the end.

I recommend Abbie’s Otherworld. It’s fantastic. This butterfly has certainly changed how BookTube looks right now.

Thanks for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

Have a great day, guys!

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