Getting Caught up in Magic Powder

I’m glad I picked up Magic Powder by Jeff Schiller. He’s been doing a lot of fantasy matching with different genres of story telling, and I finally supported his Elf without a Name, I got Magic Powder as well, and I’m enjoying Magic Powder.

Magic Powder is a mix of a mobster story and a fantasy world. The story takes place in Thesz, a free city that isn’t ruled by Elf Law. With Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and Orcs running drug cartels of Magic Powder the peace is just one betrayal away from evaporating.

That that is exactly what happens. Zjah sees an opportunity to become the only manufacturer of Magic Powder in the world. This greedy Elf will do anything to make it happen – and he starts a gang war that has all the Magic Powder gangs.

With the Dwarffather in the dungeons, and Minotaur assassins attacking his family, all hell breaks loose, and people are dying left-right and centre.

The characters are interesting, and the story is action packed. The story hasn’t finished and I hope this series continues.

I recommend checking out this ongoing series!

Thank you for Rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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