What I Learned From the Hardest Day this Week!

I wake up after only have 5 restful hours of sleep. Peter Parker loves waking up when the sun rises up. He got used to that, waking up at 7 am last month, but this month, it’s 6 am. Summer days are awesome!

Oh, I’m dripping with sarcasm today. Not getting much rest is awesome.

I try to sleep in, but Peter doesn’t let you go back to sleep, he wants you to wake up now and play. That’s the role of a puppy, play, eat, and poop and pee. I love him, and this is a sacrifice I will make for the time being.

I start to get ready for work, but it’s raining when I finally get out. Yay, rain. So I wait for the bus instead of walking.

I get in to work, with that 5 hours of sleep, and thankfully the extra hours leaves 30 minutes between calls. But man, the day had some frustrating calls. And late in the day, I get a survey I didn’t deserve. But sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you.

Then I imagine, I will take more calls next week when I have to work my full schedule again!

I get home, feeling fantastic!

Then Peter Parker runs up to me and gives me kisses when he sees me. Then I make a nice chicken dinner. Then we go grocery shopping, and we save so much money that I was happy. Then we get home and Peter Parker gives me lots of love again. Then I sit down and read the Lord of the Rings.

God had winked at me, so to speak – leaving wisdom I want to share with all of you. We can look at all the negatives in life, and that shades everything. I could stew in the fact my work wants me to work 40 hours a week, or I can stew in all the great things happened in those moments.

Don’t count your blessings, count your victories!

Saving the extra money at the new grocery store, the love of my pup, a great meal, and the most important thing – spending time with my fiancee, the absolute most important part of my life!

After this, I was not as unhappy about going in on Saturday. Even though the system routed most of the calls between me and one other person, even though there is 6 people on the phones. I was still able to take a lesson on priorities, and made $150 today. And I got to write my news letter and this blog too, and of course Peter Parker greeted me when I got home!

So, here’s what I would suggest.

Start writing in a journal. Write out all the bad things that happened to you that day, and write out about all the good things that happened to you. This will help you have a more realistic and balanced view of your life.

Every week, read and remind yourself of all the great things that happened. Relive every victory to remind yourself how great life is.

And remember that the sun shines on the just and the unjust as well – life is not as bad as you think.

If you can start reminding yourself of your victories – your life will start improving as you see and achieve more victories in life.


1. start a journal and write all the bad and great things that happened every day.

2. Look for all the great things that happened.

3. Remember your life is not as bad as you think.

Thank you for rolling with Amazing Gaming Productions!

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